摘要:In this study, an extended TPB model is set up for purchasing behaviour of regional pork. It refers to research on organic food purchasing and on influences from region-of-origin labelling on product evaluation. Besides cognitive attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control, the model includes an element of personal norms and affective attitudes. Furthermore, identification with and perceived authenticity of a labelled region are considered. Empirical findings for 485 citizens of the German Federal State NRW imply that normative and affective determinants are most relevant for consumers’ purchasing intention. With respect to the impact of a stated region-of-origin, the identification with a region is a significant determinant of positive product evaluation by personal norms and affective attitudes. Respectively, the product-specific authenticity of a region determines cognitive attitudes towards the regional product.
关键词:RoO labelling;Theory of Planned Behavior;Consumer preferences