摘要:This paper demonstrates models that were designed and implemented to simulate slotted ALOHA multiple access computer network protocol. The models are spreadsheet-based simulating e-forms that were designed for students use in college level data communication and networking courses. Specifically, three models for simulating this protocol are fully implemented using spreadsheets. The features of these models are simplicity and quickness of implementation compared with other implementation techniques. These models assisted instructors to develop educational objects that in turn will help students for better understanding and exploring of the scientific concepts related to computer protocols by the aid of visual and interactive spreadsheet-based e-forms. Moreover, advanced spreadsheet techniques such as imagery integration, hyperlinks, conditional structures, conditional formats, and charts insetting, to simulate scientific notions that are taught to undergraduate students were exploited in these models. The models designing technique is characterized by simplicity, flexibility, and affordability. The technique can be applied and used in many disciplines of education, business, science, and technology. Generally, the developed computational e-forms can be used by instructors to illustrate topics in attractive fashions. In addition, students and learners can use the developed educational objects without instructor supervision in self-education or e-learning environments.