摘要:A generalized equivalence class contains some stimuli thatare perceptually disparate and others that resemble one another.They all function as members of a generalized equivalence classwhen all of them occasion the selection of the others in the set,and a response trained to one or a few are occasioned by all otherstimuli in the set. This article formalizes the structural relationsamong the stimuli in these classes and identifies thegeneralization tests needed to fully document the range of stimulithat function as members of such a class. These include testsconducted in variant-to-base, base-to-variant, and variant-tovariantformats. The structural and functional properties thatcharacterize generalized equivalence classes also characterizenaturally occurring categories, natural kinds, semanticsuperordinate categories, and cross-modal perceptual classes.Thus, the procedures used to measure generalized equivalenceclasses could also be used to document these other classes.