标题:POST-SKINNERIAN, POST-SKINNER, OR NEO-SKINNERIAN? HAYES, BARNES-HOLMES, AI\ID ROCHE'S Relational Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Account of Human Language and Cognition
摘要:The perceived inability of behaviorism to deal with complex humanbehavior has been a recurrent theme among its critics. Althoughingenious and subtle, even Skinner's Verbal Behavior (1957) is widelyfaulted on these grounds, in particular, for failing to explain linguisticgenerativity (Chomsky, 1959). In Relational Frame Theory: A PostSkinnerianAccount of Human Language and Cognition, Hayes, BarnesHolmes,and Roche (2001) confidently set out to remedy this situation. Indoing so, they do not subvert Skinner's account by postulatinghypothetical constructs, but instead extend the account by incorporatingthe results of a recent program of research known as "relational frametheory" (RFT). The first half of their text describes RFT and its account oflanguage and cognition. The second half extends RFT to additionaldomains, among them, behavioral development, social behavior, religion,and educational and psychotherapeutic practices.