摘要:NoV which are responsible for more than 50% of acute gastroenteritis worldwide in general may lead to foodborne outbreaks. In terms of the origin of foods; fruits and vegetables, raw seafood and ready-to-eat food play an important role in the dissemination of the infection. Particularly in semi-closed environments (e.g., prisons, schools, dormitories, nursing houses) and restaurants facilitate the emergence and spread of infection. As well as RT-PCR detection of NoVs in foods, some alternative methods (IMS and latex agglutination test) have been developed for easier and cheaper detection of them and the studies on this topic are still being developed by keeping up to date. Besides the chemical methods (chlorine, ozone, sodium bicarbonate treatment), physical methods (heating, freezing and high pressure practice) are applied for the inhibition of NoV. More studies on the rapid detection and prevention methods for the epidemiology of NoV, of which outbreaks may lead to relatively mild health problems, are required. In this review, the presence of NoVs in foods, their detection methods and the application on the control of them in foods were discussed.