摘要:In the present study, the determination of the concentration of twenty elements in sheep colostrum has been successfully carried out by ICP-OES . Element contents and colour values of sheep colostrum varied significantly during 10 days after parturition (P ≤ 0.05, P ≤ 0.01, P ≤ 0.001). Of macro elements Ca had the highest mean concentration at the end of experimental period, which followed by P, K, Na, S and Mg elements. Of minor elements, B was highest, followed by Si , Zn, Se, Fe, Cu, Al, Sr , Ni, Ba , Mo, Co, Mn , Cd . When lightness index ( L -value) of samples increased throughout postpartum period, greenness ( -a value) and yellowness ( b value) decreased. As a result, the amount of inorganic substances and colour values were nearly constant at days 9 to 10 postpartum. Therefore, sheep colostrum may be converted to mature milk at day 9after parturition.