摘要:The antioxidative activities of four phenolic acids (ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid), three anthocyanin pigments [kuromanin chloride (Cn-3-Gl, keracyanin chloride (Cn-3-Rut), ideain chloride (Cn-3-Ga)] and their copigments were determined by using p-carotene bleaching method. The results revealed that ferulic acid and ideain chloride had strong antioxidative effect. The copigments of ferulic acid showed synergistic effects with kuromanin chloride and keracyanin chloride. The antioxidant activities of kuromanin were found with phenolic acids, such as ferulic, chlorogenic, gallic and caffeic acid varied between 67.4-75.7; 47.2-65.2; 21.4-43.1 and 34.1-46.0, respectively. The activities of keracyanin with same phenolic acids were found as between 61.9-74.6; 39.8-63.5; 40.8-41.9 and 44.5-47.5, respectively. Meanwhile, activities for ideain were found as 66.2-73.3; 47.9-57.2; 31.0-41.7 and 36.2-50.3, respectively.