摘要:The colorant content of both the confectioneries obtained from the open market without the source being known and the confectionery produced using advanced technology sold in Ankara market was investigated. 81 samples were collected. The coloring agents extracted with 70% ethanol solution (v/v) were examined qualitatively with thin layer chromatography (TLC). The samples were then taken into quantitative analysis, where the colorant extracts were spotted onto the TLC plates in a band and after development the separated color bands were scrapped off. These color eluates were determined quantitatively from the standard calibration curves obtained by plotting known concentrations of color standards versus the respective absorbance values, using a LV-VIS spectrophotometer. The qualitative results showed that, the confectionery tested did not contain any coloring agent that was not listed in the Food Additive Regulation. Only 11 samples quantitatively analyzed showed that they were used above the given limitations