摘要:The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of the quality of reception, attack tempo, and block type on attack efficacy and attack type in high-level women’s volleyball. Eighteen matches from the Brazilian Women’s Superleague 2011/2012 were analysed (n=2,348 attack actions). Multinomial logistic regression was applied to construct models predicting the influence of explanatory variables on the attack efficacy and attack type. The results showed that attack errors were associated to double block (OR=1.48), while attacks resulting in action continuity were associated with double block (OR=1.40) and triple block (OR=1.97). Receptions affording all attack options (OR=0.54) and powerful attacks (OR=0.34) reduced game continuity. In conclusion, attack tempo was negatively correlated with the quality of settings, suggesting that slower attack tempos afford the attacker more time to prepare and to create momentum for performing the action.
关键词:performance analysis; game variables; predictive models