摘要:This paper focuses on the impact of top tenure heterogeneity on patenting activity. The study sample uses 290 firms in 23 industries over the period 1996-2006. Tenure heterogeneity is measured as how long top managers have been with the firm and whether they came from the same or a different industry. Competing hypotheses were developed for the impact of heterogeneity combining both the industry and time with the firm. Top managers from the same industry had no impact on patenting activity in the overall sample, however significant positive and negative effects were found for pharmaceuticals and computers respectively in the subsample. Top managers from outside the industry had a significantly negative impact on patenting activity in the overall sample but no significant effects in the subgroups. The measures of intraindustry and extraindustry importation were used in a new context and are an important contribution of this study. Additionally the study uses the complementary frameworks of u pper echelons and social capital theory.
关键词:Upper Echelons; Social capital; patents; top management teams; panel; negative ; binomial