摘要:T he second edition of Researching the Visual has been substantially extended and updated in relation to the first edition from the year 2000. The idea of visual studies has undergone a new in-depth problematization and significant enlarge- ment. The authors explaining how they define this type of research refer to the Belgian sociologist Luc Pauwels. According to him, a valuable scientific view of a society can be achieved by observing, analyzing, and theorizing its visual manifestation of behavior and material cultural products (p. 18). For the authors, key importance in this approach is that we do not find here references to any techno- logical aspects of recording of the reality, such as shooting or filming. According to Emmison, Smith, and Mayall, that would not have been possible 30 years ago – when visual sociology began to appear in the academic field of interest, and when it was associated mainly with the performance and anal- yses of photography and video.