摘要:Despite the growing popularity of men's self-help products, recent debates surrounding hegemonic masculinity, and attention to the "crisis of masculinity," r esearch has ignored men's advice about intimate relat ion sh ips. Consequen tly, I exam ine 30 contempora ry relationship advice books a nd con - ceptualize their constructions of heterosexual masculinity. Findings demonstrate authors' overall rejection of hegemonic masculinity, alongside an overarching strategy of "masculinizing" intimacy that promotes two subsidiary gender strategies – relational heroism and tempered ambition – which reframe non-hegemonic behavior as manly. The overarching strateg y appears in mild for ms in books emphasizing "getting laid" and st ronger variants in book s that promote "growing close" through in- timacy. The strategy promotes a promising depar ture from the constraints of hegemonic masculinity by broadening men's acceptable range of talking about and doing masculinity, but continues to em- phasize gender difference and enables a reconfiguration of heterosexual masculine intimacy within hegemonic masculinity, thereby limiting its promotion of ge nder equality.