标题:Zinc extraction from dilute aqueous solutions, by hydrogels of polyacrylic acid-polyacrylate sodium (Extraction du zinc à partir des solutions aqueuses diluées, par d’hydrogels d’acide polyacrylique-polyacrylate de sodium),
期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:The present workrelates to the extraction of metal cation Zn 2+ in acid medium, from dilute aqueous solutions by the gel of polyacrylic acide-polyarylate sodium.The kinetic study of this extraction showed that equilibrium is relatively fast. The decrease in concentration of zinc is accompanied b y an increase in pH of supernatant solution. This is due to acid-base rearrangement of the gel with the metal solution (gel swells by consuming protons), and binding capacity of the zinc gel is influenced by two parameters: - The ionization rate: rapid extraction with better performance requires the use of highly ionized gels. - The pH of the supernatant solution: The increase thereof leads to an increase of R until reaching a plateau at R=0.25 where the pH imposed on the supernat ant solution is 4.5. In addition, the use of gels of increasing mass and successive gels respectively allows improving considerably the efficiency o f the extraction and depleted completely the aqueous solution by Zn 2+ .