期刊名称:Cultural Logic : an Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice
出版社:Department of English and Foreign Languages
摘要:Current neoliberal education al reform m ovements in K - 12 schools in the US — such as for - profit charter schools, corporate control over school boards, corpor ate financing of schools, corporate "donations" in the form of compute rs and computing software, and test preparation materials and assessments — operate to concentrate knowledge production and economic power in the hands of corporate leaders. To take one example, the implementation of standardized examinations have positioned schoolteachers and educational lead ers to support pedagogies that intensify youths' and teachers ' alienation — a condition that promotes continually expanding inequalities rather than promises of social justice . Under the Obama administration 's RTTP (Race to the Top) program, corporate intens ification and youths' and teachers' alienation have only been further exacerbated. In order to compete for needed resources from the US fe deral government to operate schools, state government officials have been coerced to "evaluate teachers by student tes t scores, to award bonuses to teachers based on student scores, and to permit more p rivately managed charter schools" ( Ravitch, 201 0 ). Consequently, more and more teachers in public schools are subject to regulatory evaluations that require them to use their own, and their studen ts', labor to generate data. In turn, these data are being reported and publicized as evidence of the failure of public educati on. These actions represent some of the increasing influence of neolib eral policies and practices in p ublic schools.