摘要:The aim of the paper is to investigate Serbian food trade in the process of EU integration, particularly the effects of EU Preferential trade agreements (PTAs) and CEFTA integration on Serbian food exports. We analyse the developments in Serbian food trade flows from various aspects: the importance and growth of overall food exports and net-exports, intra-regional (with CEFTA) and extra-regional trade (with EU), as well as trade competiveness of Serbian food trade related to its most important foreign trade markets. In spite of the fact that total export from Serbia recorded decrease during the last decade, especially after the Great economic crisis, the Serbian food exports did not follow the same pattern. That points out the importance of the food trading, especially during the crisis. The food trading is the only sector that one country continuously can count on in the world trade, and the main reason for this conclusion we can find in the real nature of this sector – food sector produces goods for human diet as an existential need.