摘要:Eating disorders are conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits and behaviors which may involve excessive or insufficient intake along with the individuals mental and physical health. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa as well as binge eating are the major type of eating disorders. Parental influence has been shown to be a fundamental component in the development process of eating behaviors of children and adolescents, this effect is shaped by a variety of diverse factors including familial genetic predisposition, dietary choices which is dictated by ethnic preferences or cultural, the parents eating habits and their body shape. Social isolation has been noted to have a deleterious effect on individuals emotional and physical well-being. Eating disorders have been shown a higher rate of mortality among socially isolated individuals compared to those with well-established social relationships. Social isolation can be stressful, anxiety-provoking and depressing. These disorders must be treated as soon as possible to prevent more deteriorations, the treatment plan usually include the medial part along with dietary and psychiatry care. Diet is the most essential factor to work on in patients diagnosed with eating disorder, Initial meal plans may be low in calories, in order to build comfort in eating and then food amount can gradually be increased, food variety is important as well when establishing meal plans and foods that are higher in energy density, all these dietary management are needed with supplying different supplements to fulfill the requirements and replenish the decreased stores.