摘要:Protein is not only essential compound of animal but it is also important constitute of plants. Plants are good source of proteins. These proteins are mostly analyzed and identified from the fruits, seeds or any other parts of plants which are mostly used in diet but there are many other types of protein which are synthesized by other parts also, if one can know about synthesis of those proteins at different growth periods of different parts of plant then one may get interesting results. In this study stem of two plants were used for the analysis of protein i.e Pea ( Pisum sativum ) and Gram ( Cicer arietinum ). Molecular weight of protein was analyzed by SDS/Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and protein was stained with Lawsone dye by paper chromatography. Lawsone dye is protein dye which is mostly used for the staining of hair, skin and nails protein but in this research same dye was used for the staining of plant protein through paper chromatography.