标题:Relative Study on Haematology, Glycogen Content and Histological Changes in Organs of Anabas testudineus from Parvathiputhanar (Polluted) and Karamana River (Fresh Water)
摘要:This study was carried out to evaluate the haematology and histology of the three main organs such as liver, kidney and intestine from the polluted water (Parvathyputhanar river) and fresh water (Karmana river). The release of heavy metals into the aquatic environment causes water pollution problems the blood cells although, liver, kidney and intestine like organs changes demonstrated by microtomy technique of histopathology. Haematological observation between fresh water and polluted water living A. testudineus : Haematocrit (PCV) was found decreased to 16%. A similar reduction was also observed in the haemoglobin content (4.8 g/100 mL). For instance, the haematological variation indicates in the Parvathiputhanar fish is due to this canal possessed slightly on the alkaline (7.1-8.5). Differential blood cells count also affected and glycogen levels were elevated in the polluted water living fish compared with fresh water A. testudineus . When compared these two different water bodies such as Parvathyputhanar and Karamana (polluted and unpolluted) collected fish A. testudiensis shows necrosis of tubular epithelium, cloudy swelling of epithelial cells of renal tubules, narrowing of the tubular lumen and contraction of the glomerulus and expansion of space inside the Bowman's capsule were observed in the kidney tissues than Karamanayar river. Moreover, hepatic lesions in fish living with Parvathyputhanar are characterized by hypertrophy of hepatocytes, cloudy degeneration, congestion, karyolysis, dilatation of sinusoids and focal necrosis. From this study focusing histopathological findings suggest the acidic and other heavy metal impurities caused severe damages as well as alterations occurred into the internal organs of fish and consequently change the physiological status. While, the polluted Parvathyputhanar River utilized by a peoples these findings highlight the need for adequate water treatment.