摘要:The effect of biomass co-firing on the furnace exit gas temperature and the gaseous emissions of CO2, NOx and SOx is examined for a biomass co-firing based pulverized coal power generation system. We consider four biomass fuels (rice husk, sawdust, chicken litter and refused derived fuel) and two coals (bituminous coal and lignite). The results generated through simulation illustrate that increasing biomass proportion in the mixture decreases the furnace exit gas temperature for all fuel combinations. The net CO2 emissions reduce significantly with increasing biomass for all types of selected biomass while there is an increase in gross CO2 emissions for all blends except bituminous coal/refuse derived fuel, lignite/chicken litter and lignite/refuse derived fuel. The reductions in NOx and SOx emissions are dependent on the nitrogen and sulphur contents, respectively of the biomass fuel.