To avoid the occurrence of fatal complications of blood transfusion, several tests are implemented before transfusion. The tests include ABO typing, Rh typing, cross-matching test and blood antibody screening test, and in usual they are completed before transfusion. However in the case of repetitive operations done via brief distance, reexamination for blood antibody tends to be omitted. After 2 previous operations, 30 years old male patient showed positive blood antibody screening during the third operation. Although antibody screening test performed before the first operation, no unexpected blood antibody was detected. During the third operation, after the decision to start transfusion was made, it took two hours to find appropriate blood. There was no significant deterioration of patient's condition but the loss of time could lead to critical consequences. We present this case to make anesthesiologists and surgeons aware of possibility of unexpected blood antibody detection after transfusion.