Frozen shoulder is characterized by pain in the shoulder and limitation of glenohumeral movement. The underlying pathologic changes in frozen shoulder are synovial inflammation with subsequent reactive capsular fibrosis. Capsular fibrosis is the ultimate course of frozen shoulder suffering from various causes irrespectively. Therefore, adhesions that are affecting the joint movement must be released. Most important diagnostic method is thoughtful history taking and physical examination, and ultrasonography is very valuable device of diagnosis and treatment. Interventional microadhesiolysis and nerve stimulation (IMNS) is effective to manage frozen shoulder patients. IMNS for frozen shoulder is composed of three release approaches. These are (1) subacromial, (2) posterior inferior capsular, and (3) subdeltoidal & subcoracoidal release and round needle can be used for each release. We report this experiences and recommand this technique for the treatment of frozen shoulder patients.