To investigate the efficacy of the combined treatment of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin and intravitreal bevacizumab in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
MethodsForty-five eyes received a single session of PDT following three intravitreal bevacizumab (1.25 mg) injections at six-week intervals (IVB+PDT group). Twenty-seven eyes received three intravitreal bevacizuamb (1.25 mg) injections only at six-week intervals (IVB group).
ResultsAfter the six months of follow up, the mean BCVA (LogMAR) changed significantly from 0.62±0.34 to 0.56±0.33 in the IVB group ( p =0.03) and from 0.61±0.33 to 0.48±0.21 in the IVB+PDT group ( p =0.001). The mean BCVA was more improved in the IVB+PDT group ( p =0.049). The mean CMT changes were significant in both groups immediately after treatment, but there was no significant difference at six months between the two groups. Ten eyes (37.0%) in the IVB group and 12 eyes (26.7%) in the IVB+PDT group required retreatments during the six months of follow-up ( p =0.02).
ConclusionsSignificant improvement in visual acuity and reduction in central macular thickness over a six-months period were observed in both groups. The mean visual acuity was significantly better and the rate of reinjections after the initial treatment schedule was lower in the IVB+PDT group.