To report a patient with an eyeball movement disorder due to a chondrosarcoma in the left cavernous sinus.
Case summaryA 33-year-old woman visited our clinic complaining of diplopia she hand for one month. She had been undergone two operation for the removal of chondrosarcoma in the left cavernous sinus, and she had left esotropia of 25 prism diopters in the primary position and limited abduction of approximately -1.5 in the left eye. Therefore she was treated with radiotherapy for six weeks. Three weeks after radiotherapy she had esotropia of 2 prism diopters in the primary position and limited abduction of approximately -1 in the left eye. Six weeks later, only limited abduction of approximately -0.5 in the left eye was present.
ConclusionsEyeball movement disorders, like abducent nerve palsy, may develop as a result of tumors of the cavernous sinus and may be improved by the appropriate treatment of such tumors.