To report a case of central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) associated with chickenpox.
Case summaryA 24-year-old female presenting with a history of centripetal eruption and erythema, followed by vesicle and eschar, was diagnosed with varicella and managed in a local medical clinic. Five days after the varicella eruption, she experienced decreased vision in her left eye. On initial exam visual acuity was light-sense positive in the left eye and 1.0 in the right eye; on fundus examination the patient was diagnosed with CRAO. We performed hematologic tests including thrombophilia studies, but there were no abnormal findings on routine hematologic tests, the carotid artery, or cardiovascular examinations. Antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, and antiphospholipid antibody were negative. Skin biopsy and PCR results both corresponded with varicella, and the patient was diagnosed with CRAO associated with chickenpox.