To report a case of bilateral Coats' disease.
Case summaryA 19-month-old boy presented with esodeviation of his eyes, which started 5 months prior. A fundus exam showed total bullous exudative retinal detachment with retinal vascular telangiectasia in the right eye and localized exudative retinal detachment with vascular telangiectasia at the inferior periphery in the right eye. Fluorescein angiogram of the left eye showed retinal telangiectatic vessels, avascular area and fluorescein leakeage from telangiectatic vessels. The patient received external drainage of subretinal fluid and intravitreal air injection of the right eye and Argon LASER photocoagulation and cryotheraphy of the left eye. A cytologic exam of the subretinal fluid drained from the right eye showed no malignant cells. Forty-four months after the operation, his best corrected visual acuity was no light perception in the right eye and 0.4 in the left eye. Both fundi were flat and stable. No complications, such as glaucoma, recurred retinal detachment, or pain, occurred.
ConclusionsCoats' disease rarely occurs bilaterally and can be involved asymmetrically. The disease presents more severely when bilateral and can progress after long-term observation. Proper treatment and long-term follow-up of both eyes are necessary to prevent visual loss and preserve eyes.