The purpose of this study was to analyze the epidemiology, causative organism, clinical manifestation and prognosis of bacterial meningitis for children after the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine in Daejeon and Chungcheong area.
MethodsWe analyzed retrospectively 53 medical records who had been diagnosed with bacterial meningitis at 10 general or university hospitals in Daejeon and Chungcheong area. All patients aged 1 month-14 years admitted between January 2001 through December 2005.
ResultsDuring the 5-year study period, 40 of all cases were positive for bacterial growth. Of the 40 cases that were CSF culture-proven bacterial meningitis, Streptococcus peumoniae was the most common bacteria for 17 (32.1%) of all cases, followed by H. influenzae for 10 (18.9%), Neisseria meningitidis for 3 (5.7%). In this study, the most common clinical manifestation is fever, accompanied by all cases. CSF leukocyte count was more than 100/mm3 in 45 (84.1%) cases. CSF glucose concentration was less than 50 mg/dL in 42 (79.2%) cases and protein concentration was more than 45 mg/dL in 49 (92.5%) cases. 45 of all cases made a recovery after treatment and were discharged. Most common complication after treatment is subdural effusion (19.0%) and hearing disturbance (9.4%).
ConclusionThe most common organism of culture-proven bacterial meningitis in the children beyond neonatal period was S. pneumoniae . Continued surveillance studies were demanded to know the altered incidence of bacterial meningitis, because we expect the incidence of S. pneumoniae meninigitis will be on the decrease after more active innoculation of pneumococcal protein conjugate vaccine.