Background Recently, the number of thyroid surgery cases has been increasing; consequently, the number of patients who visit plastic surgery departments with a chief complaint of swallowing deformity has also increased. We performed a scar correction technique on post-thyroidectomy swallowing deformity via platysma flap with Z-plasty and obtained satisfactory aesthetic and functional outcomes. Methods The authors performed operations upon 18 patients who presented a definitive retraction on the swallowing mechanism as an objective sign of swallowing deformity, or throat or neck discomfort on swallowing mechanism such as sensation of throat traction as a subjective sign after thyoridectomy from January 2009 till June 2012. The scar tissue that adhered to the subcutaneous tissue layer was completely excised. A platysma flap as mobile interference was applied to remove the continuity of the scar adhesion, and additionally, Z-plasty for prevention of midline platysma banding was performed. Results The follow-up results of the 18 patients indicated that the definitive retraction on the swallowing mechanism was completely removed. Throat or neck discomfort on the swallowing mechanism such as sensation of throat traction also was alleviated in all 18 patients. When preoperative and postoperative Vancouver scar scales were compared to each other, the scale had decreased significantly after surgery (P<0.05). Conclusions Our simple surgical method involved the formation of a platysma flap with Z-plasty as mobile interference for the correction of post-thyroidectomy swallowing deformity. This method resulted in aesthetically and functionally satisfying outcomes.