摘要:In the North-Central Mexico, the main production area of beans in the country, a study was conducted during 2008-2009, whose objectives were to characterize the producers, determine the extent of adoption and to assess the impact of using the bean variety “Pinto Saltillo”, generated by INIFAP. The methodological approach was based on a formal interview to a sample of farmers, who were randomly selected from a population of 45,000 registered producers in the pattern of SAGARPA. The sample size was 496 elements. The questionnaire included closed and open questions by analyzing each of the responses through Frequency Analysis. Official sources were consulted for information as well as cooperatives, integrating and marketing of beans. The economic impact analysis of the use of Pinto Saltillo was made considering the increase in performance and / or sale price, and the number of hectares planted. The results indicated that 65.9% of farmers used the variety Pinto Saltillo and that there are different degrees of adoption by state: while in Durango and Chihuahua has been widespread use with rates of 93.3% and 82.8% respectively, Zacatecas recorded use of only 13.3%. The economic benefit generated by this variety released by INIFAP in northern central Mexico with 2008 prices, is approximately 934'000, 000 pesos. The adoption of Pinto Saltillo was a success in production and trade that benefits producers, traders, industrialists and consumers of beans.
关键词:INIFAP;integrating and marketing organization of beans;bean grown under water scarcity conditions;consumers.