标题:Oral bioavailability and bioaccessibility in humans of metals and metalloids from polluted soils: Definitions, measure protocols and international operational feedback
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Sébastien Denys , Julien Caboche , Cyril Feidt , Benoit Hazebrouck , Frédéric Dor , Claire Dabin , Adeline Floch-Barneaud , Karine Tack Ineris Parc technologique Alata BP 2 60550 Verneuil en Halatte, ENSAIA-INPL 2, av de la Forêt de Haye 54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, InVS 12, rue du Val d’Osne 94415 Saint Maurice, ICF 14-30 rue Alexandre 92635 Gennevilliers Cedex Key words: bioaccessibility, biological availability, environmental exposure, soil pollutants DOI : 10.1684/ers.2009.0291 Page(s) : 433-8 Published in: 2009 The bioavailability of contaminants is a widely used notion in the management of contaminated soils that makes it possible to optimize the risk assessment procedure. There is, however, confusion between bioavailability and bioaccessibility, which makes it difficult to integrate either concept into the monitoring and management of sites or to select a measurement protocol. The aim of this synthesis is to define the oral bioavailability and bioaccessibility of soil pollutants in humans, to assess the associations between them, to describe protocols to estimate them, and, finally, to review the international utilization of these estimates.