摘要:Authors W. Hachfi , F. Bellazreg , I. Bougmiza , O. Gloulou , N. Kaabia , F. Bahri , A. Letaief Service de Médecine Interne et Maladies Infectieuses, CHU Farhat-Hached, Sousse, Tunisie, Département de médecine communautaire, Faculté de médecine de Sousse, Sousse, Tunisie, Service de Pharmacie, CHU Farhat-Hached, Sousse, Tunisie Key words: adherence, antiretroviral treatment, Tunisia DOI : 10.1684/mst.2012.0035 Page(s) : 105-7 Published in: 2012 Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a powerful predictor of survival for individuals living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The purpose of this cross-sectional study conducted in December 2007 was to assess ART adherence and identify its determinants in HIV-infected patients in Sousse, Tunisia. Adherence was evaluated in a structured interview, during which questions were asked about the number of pills taken, treatment schedule, and any food restrictions within the previous 4 days. Determinants of adherence included patient characteristics, type of ART, and interpersonal relationships and were assessed from the medical records and questionnaire responses. Adherence was assessed in 30 of the 34 patients receiving ART at the time of the study. Twenty-two patients (73%) complied with all daily treatment recommendations and were considered adherent. Multivariate analysis showed that the main barriers to adherence were related to storage of the medication and doubts about its efficacy. Improvement of socioeconomic conditions and better psychosocial support are needed to optimize ART adherence by HIV-infected patients in Tunisia.