摘要:Figures Authors S. Pessinaba 1 * S. Baragou 1 M. Pio 2 K. Gabiam 1 M. Kpélafia 1 Y. Afassinou 2 K.A. Sabi 3 K. Yayehd 1 F. Damorou 1 1 Service de cardiologie, CHU Campus, BP 30284 Lomé, Togo 2 Service de cardiologie, CHU Sylvanus-Olympio, Lomé, Togo 3 Service de néphrologie, CHU Sylvanus-Olympio, Lomé, Togo * Correspondance Key words: survey, practice, prophylaxis, venous thromboembolism, Togo DOI : 10.1684/mst.2014.0407 Page(s) : 444-5 Published in: 2014 The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and practices related to the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical settings in Lome (Togo). Hospitalists in Lome are relatively well aware of the risk of VTE in patients. They report risk factors for VTE as the primary indications for thromboprophylaxis. Few physicians cited acute medical conditions among these indications.