期刊名称:Revue de Neuropsychologie Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Laetitia Bon , Serge Belliard , Francis Eustache , Béatrice Desgranges Inserm-EPHE, Université de Caen/Basse-Normandie, Unité U923, GIP Cyceron, CHU Côte-de-Nacre, Caen, Service de neurologie, CHU Pontchaillou, Rennes Key words: semantic dementia, behavioural egocentrism, cognitive egocentrism, theory of mind, executive functions DOI : 10.1684/nrp.2009.0020 Page(s) : 133-49 Published in: 2009 In semantic dementia (SD), although semantic deficits are predominant, behavioural abnormalities also occur, in particular egocentric conducts. This phenomenon is described as "behavioural egocentrism". Patients are commonly regarded as being more self-centred and inconsiderate than before. The present study aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying behavioural egocentrism by conducting in one patient, L.G., an evaluation of 1) behavioural egocentrism, 2) cognitive egocentrism, which indicates the best resistance in semantic memory of concepts linked to personal experience by comparison with general knowledge and 3) theory of mind (ToM) abilities, whose alterations may explain some disturbances in social behaviour that characterize SD. Behavioural egocentrism was evaluated by a questionnaire specially designed for this study. In order to test cognitive egocentrism, we compared the ability to recognize names and to provide person-specific knowledge about personally familiar people names versus famous people names. We used false belief task, intention inference task, eyes task, and preference judgement task based on eye gaze to evaluate ToM capacities. Our study showed 1) significant increases in behavioural egocentrism, including a lack of empathy and a failure to take account of others, 2) a benefit of personal experience in semantic memory performance and 3) a deficit in false belief task and in preference judgement task. In conclusion, the emergence of egocentric conducts may arise from the joint effects of cognitive egocentrism and deficits in ToM. Future research concerning these aspects will bring essential data to understand the mechanisms underlying changes in personality and behaviour in SD.
关键词:semantic dementia; behavioural egocentrism; cognitive egocentrism; theory of mind; executive functions