期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Vieri Tarchiani , Andrea Di Vecchia , Giancarlo Pini , Attaou Mahaman Laminou , Zabeirou Toudjani , Guéro Maman Centro Studi per l’applicazione dell’Informatica in Agricoltura (CeSIA) Accademia dei Georgofili 8, Via Caproni Florence Italie, IBIMET-CNR 8, Via Caproni Florence Italie, Direction de l’environnement Ministère de l’Hydraulique, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre la désertification BP 578 Niamey Niger, Division des statistiques et de la cartographie forestières Direction de l’environnement Ministère de l’Hydraulique, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre la désertification BP 578 Niamey Niger Key words: decentralisation, decision support system, forest management, geographic information systems DOI : 10.1684/sec.2008.0155 Page(s) : 261-7 Published in: 2008 The management of the gazetted forests is of general importance for the West Africa countries where anthropic pressure and desertification contribute to degrading forests at a rate of 1.2 million ha per year. The gazetted forests constitute an inheritance of cardinal importance, also seen their extension totalling more than 20 million ha in the region. In spite of the international interest and progress in forestry policies over recent years, gazetted forest are still exposed to strong pressure. In Niger an Information System on the Gazetted Forests has been developed for decision-making support. The system contains available information on gazetted forests and analyses on change dynamics. The most alarming result is that 75% of such forests are occupied for at least 10% of their surface by crop fields and 40% of them are occupied at a level exceeding 50%. The system has been conceived in order to respond to information needs both at the central level concerning policies and laws and at the decentralized level for monitoring and planning.
关键词:decentralisation; decision support system; forest management; geographic information systems