期刊名称:Science et changements planétaires / Sécheresse
出版社:John Libbey Eurotext
摘要:Figures See all figures Authors Abdallah Benalaya , Ali Chebil , Mohammed Béchir Sai , Abdelkafi Belhassen École supérieure d’agriculture de Mograne 1121 Mograne Tunisie, Institut national de recherche en génie rural, eau et forêt Rue Hédi El Karray El Menzah IV BP 10 2080 Ariana Tunisie, Institut de l’Olivier Avenue de l’Indépendance 2049 Ariana Tunisie Key words: irrigated area, semi-arid, area, water, water resources management DOI : 10.1684/sec.2013.0374 Page(s) : 48-56 Published in: 2013 In this paper, positive mathematical programming allowing maximization of the total gross margin of an irrigated farm was developed by taking into account the technical constraints, the commonly practised activities and many constraints of limitation of the resources, in particular irrigation water and available labour. By using the same average of allocated water volume, this model makes it possible to identify, for a standard exploitation of 5.14 hectares in an irrigated area of the Nadhour region in Tunisia, the best combinations of cultures to maximize the total gross margin of the exploitation. The model shows that reductions not exceeding 15% of the annual water volume allocated to the exploitation involve reductions of the total gross margin limited to 2%. The reduced gross margins remain higher than those observed up to a reduction of the water volume of 30%. Hence, avoiding over-pumping of ground water is possible by considering adequate choices in the cultural system as well as an effective and valorising use of irrigated water.
关键词:irrigated area; semi-arid; area; water; water resources management