出版社:Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos
摘要:Lo s empre ndim i entos hoteleros muestran un destacado rol ante el n ue vo es cen a rio empresarial brasile ñ o. Com o organiza cion es representa n estru c turas comple j as cu y o formato es impos ible que s i gu a u n modelo ge ne ral r í gidamente establecido. Así , l a prop ue sta de e s t e traba j o f ue anali z ar u na organizació n hotelera para demostrar l a hibrid ación característica d e l a forma de administra ción ado p tada p or s us dirigentes en base al Modelo Multidimensional Reflexivo. Se empleó el estud i o de caso cu yo anális is p ermitió , a partir d e l a c reación de vari able s estru c tura le s, c alificar la forma de domi nio presente e n l a gest ión d e los hotele s perten e c i entes a la red estud i ada e ntre l os tipos organizaciona le s derivados d el modelo. A través del anális is d e conte ni do d e los dat os re cole c tados mediante una entrevista al ge stor d el grupo investigado se observó que la organización revel a c ierta predomina ncia de elementos de cará c ter equiparativo - adaptador, en cuadrando su forma de gest ión conforme el tipo estructural observado.
其他摘要:Hotel Management: The Brazilian Case of Pontes Hotéis & Resorts Chain Based on the Multidimensional - Reflective Model of Organization. Hotel enterprises have shown their increasingly prominent role on the new Brazilian business scenario. Such organizations represent complex structures whose shape is impossible to follow a general pattern rigidly established. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze a hotel organization to demonstrate the hybridity that characterizes the management form adopted by its managers, based on the Multidimensional - Reflective Model. For that, a case study was carried out and the analysis led to the comprehension of the domination mode within the hotels belonging to the chain studied, through the view of the types derived from the model. Thus, through the content analysis of the data collected by in - depth interview with a manager of the group, it was found that the organization revealed a predominance of certain elem ents which characterizes it as equiparative - adapting, framing its management style in such a structural type.
关键词:análisis organizacional; hotelería; tipos estructurales; estudio de casoorganizational analysis; hospitality; structural types; case study