摘要:Muestras de cabello de siete momias del sitio Camarones 15-D, Chile, fechadas por radiocarbono alrededor de 2.000 a.C. fueron examinadas para verificar la presencia de piojos. En seis muestras de cabello se encontró huevos del piojo Anthropophthirus capitis. Se obtuvo un total de 460 huevos de los que 108 (30,7%) estaban operculados, tratándose de huevos que no habían sido eclosionados antes que el huésped muriera. En una muestra de cabello, se aislaron 98 huevos operculados y 265 no operculados.
其他摘要:Hair samples from seven mummies from Camarones 15-D site, Chile, carbon-dated to ca. 2,000 B.C. were examined for the presence of head lice. In six hair samples eggs of the head louse (Anthropophthirus capitis) were found. A total of 460 eggs were isolated of which 108 (30.7%) were operculated, meaning that they were freshly laid eggs, which had not hatched before the host died. In one hair sample, 98 operculated and 265 non-operculated eggs were isolated. No nymphal or adult stages of the head louse could be found in the examined material.
关键词:Piojos de cabeza; Anthropophthirus capitis; huevos de piojos; momias; tradición Chinchorro; norte de Chile;Head lice; Anthropophthirus capitis; louse eggs; mummies; Chinchorro tradition; North Chile