摘要:El aggiornamento de la Iglesia hacia una eclesiología de comunión supone un ajuste de cuentas con la manera tradicional de entender la autoridad y obediencia en la Iglesia. En este cometido Carlos Domínguez echa mano de los aportes del psicoanálisis para mostrar los profundos mecanismos que condicionan las relaciones entre los creyentes, así como las patologías que dificultan la experiencia eclesial como una fraternidad.
其他摘要:The 'aggiornamento' of the Church towards an ecclesiology of communion implies that an adjustment needs to be made to the traditional understanding of authority and obedience in the Church. To achieve this, Carlos Domínguez takes into account psychoanalysis's contribution to show the deep mechanisms that condition the relationship between believers, as well as the psychological disorders that make difficult to experience the Church as a brother/sisterhood.