其他摘要:Spatial learning was studied in several specíes of marsupial (Lutreo- Una crassicaudata and Dldelphis albioentris¡ and plaeental (Chaetophractus uellerosus, C. villosus, and Rattus noroegicus) mammals. Prelíminary information suggested the possibility of ínter-speeíes dífferences in the acquisition of a behavioral chaín between specíes of these two subclasses of mammals. ´Two experimenta showed that marsupíals may acquíre the behavioral chaín at a similar rate, and to a similar asymptote, to that observed in placentals, The results suggest that the mechanísms underlying the acquísítíon of behavioral sequences are the same in both marsupíal and placental mammals
关键词:spatial leaming; chaining; comparative leamíng; learning in marsupials and placentals