其他摘要:The traditional belief in clinical psychology, psychoanalisis, behavior therapy, and behavior modification ís that behavioral problems like sexual disorders, phobics disorders, impotence, psychotic behavior, alcoholism, etc., are the only problems that may affect a particular client. The purpose of thís paper is to show that, besides these problems (which in this paper are ca1led funelamental problems), there exísts two addítional problems that may also affeet the client: (1) different ínter, pretations or definitions in relation to the same fundamental problem (which ís ca1led problem 01 interpretation), and (2) the use of different techniques or treatments in controlling the same fundamental problem (which is ca1led problem o[ effective treatment). Kuhn´s assumptions on the paradigm coneept are used in arder to show that both problema of ínterpretatíon and effeetive treatment eould be explained in terms of the multiparadigmatic period of a scienee of behavior