其他摘要:From the analysis of the question conceming the "politicaí engagement" of social psychologists, it is concluded that it is necessary to reformulate the existing relationship between social psychoJogy and I?Olitical phenomena. Criticism to the traditional viewpoint concernirig this issue, leads to the analysis of the epistemological assumptíonsthat enmask the political nature of the discipline of social psyehology. It is argued that polítical factorsare present on the very origin oc. social scíences.end that current polítícal,conditionsare also present in contemporary social psychology. An analysis is carried out as an inliinsecally political discipline. It is conduded that the "politícalengagement" of social psychologists demand that an ideological battle takes place in the discipline, developirig an approach radically post-empíricist
关键词:social psychology; political involvement; polítital psychology; epistemology