‘Beauty’ - the crucial aesthetic category is conceived in the Serbian language by two lexemes: ‘lepo’ and ‘krasno’. Iconicity of lexeme ‘lepo’ (Old Church Slavonic - lЪp'' “something that is bonded with something; mud, mortar or most often mud mixed up with chuff to ‘glue with’ or ‘spread over with’) is linked with the imagination of soil, while the concept of beautiful is conceived by lexeme ‘krasno’ (I.E.*(s)qer-, “beacon fire“) and is defined by heavenly and divine splendour. The difference in iconicity of the two lexemes, in essence, is the difference between terrestrial and heavenly beauties. The terrestrial beauty is defined by the creative innate impulse in humans to guide them towards amorphous but “binding“ matter that can be sculptured into ‘beautiful’ things with a function that is not necessarily utilitarian - but perhaps it had a sacramental character. On contrary, the heavenly beauty exemplifies manifestation of heavenly splendour - beacon of divinity, beacon of creativeness and effervescence which presents the terrestrial world in its glorious beauty. The picture of heavenly ‘fire’, quite independently form the benefit it may bring us, especially from the benefit that may be gained from the terrestrial fire, as well as the pure aesthetical satisfaction, have defined the original concept of beauty as splendour in the Serbian language. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 47016: Interdisciplinarno istraživanje kulturnog i jezičkog nasleđa Srbije; Izrada multimedijalnog internet portala Pojmovnik srpske kulture]