摘要:This work analyzes the recent experience of the “Consortium of Local Development and Alimentary Security” (CONSADs) in the sou-thern Brazil based in a study carried out by Federal University of Pelotas together FAO and Brazilian Social Development Ministry. The research examined 137 development projects aiming to evaluate the similarity degree of their objectives with those of the hunger and alimentary inse-curity combat. The study shows that the CONSAD can represent a way capable to induce the proposition of instruments to attend these impera-tives. Meantime, there are important obstacles to supplant, such as the institutional design and the CONSAD geographic delimitation, as well as the “agrarian bias” of the development projects, the excessive protago-nism of public agents and the misunderstandings about to the concept of alimentary security from the point of view of the involved social actors.