Este artigo se propõe a apresentar exemplos de questões científicas que puderam ser respondidas no contexto do Projeto LBA (Large Sale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) graças à contribuição de informações derivadas de sensoriamento remoto. Os métodos de sensoriamento remoto permitem integrar informações sobre os vários processos físicos e biológicos em diferentes escalas de tempo e espaço. Nesse artigo, são enfatizados aqueles avanços de conhecimento que jamais seriam alcançados sem a concorrência da informação derivada de sensoriamento.
This paper aims to assess the contribution of remote sensing technology in addressing key questions raised by the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). The answers to these questions foster the knowledge on the climatic, biogechemical and hydrologic functioning of the Amazon, as well as on the impact of human activities at regional and global scales. Remote sensing methods allow integrating information on several processes at different temporal and spatial scales. By doing so, it is possible to perceive hidden relations among processes and structures, enhancing their teleconnections. Key advances in the remote sensing science are summarized in this article, which is particularly focused on information that would not be possible to be retrieved without the concurrence of this technology.