Os óleos essenciais das folhas e dos galhos de Cinnamomum zeylanicum coletada no município de Manaus, estado do Amazonas, foram obtidos por hidrodestilação e analisados através de CG-EM. Vinte e três constituintes foram identificados nas folhas, dos quais o eugenol foi o que apresentou maior porcentagem (60%). Nos galhos foram identificados trinta e seis componentes, com predominância dos monoterpenos alfa- e beta-pineno (9,9%; 3,5%), alfa-felandreno (9,2%), p-cimeno (6,2%), limoneno (7,9%), linalol (10,6%); os sesquiterpenos alfa-copaeno (3,3%), (beta )-cariofileno (6,7%), óxido de cariofileno (3,1%) e os alilbenzenos (E)-cinamaldeído (7,8%) e acetato de (E)-cinamila (9,7%).
The essential oils of the leaves and branches "of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, collected at Manaus, state of Amazonas, were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. Twenty-three components were identified, of which eugenol, was the major (60%). Thirty-six components were identified in the branch oil, among them the monoterpenes alpha-pinene (9.9 %), beta-pinene (3.5 %), alpha phellandrene (9.2 %), p-cymene (6.2%), limonene (7.9%), linalool (10.6%) were the most abundant, followed by the sesquiterpenes alpha-copaene (3.3%), (beta)-caryophyllene (6.7%), caryophyllene oxide (3.1%) and the allybenzenes (E)-cinnamaldehyde (7.8%), (E)-cinnamyl acetate (9.7%).