摘要:Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la evaluación cualitativa del Programa Coeducativo de Desarrollo Psicoafectivo y Sexual Agarimos, implementado con alumnos/as de 1° de la Educación Superior Obligatoria (ESO) en el curso 2003-2004 en España. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron diario de sesiones, análisis de documentos y cuestionario de carácter abierto de valoración y grado de satisfacción de los alumnos/as con el programa. Los resultados muestran que se incrementaron los conocimientos en las áreas relativas a identidad corporal, género, emociones, relaciones socioafectivas y conducta sexual, principalmente, y que han mejorado sus actitudes hacia la igualdad de género y la sexualidad. Esto se evidencia en su comportamiento más tolerante, flexible y respetuoso y en la mayor naturalidad y madurez a la hora de abordar la temática de la sexualidad. Los/as alumnos/as valoran positivamente esta experiencia y están satisfechos con la metodología constructivista utilizada y con la formación y actuación del cuerpo docente.
其他摘要:This study examines the results obtained from a qualitative evaluation of "Agarimos", a coeducational programme designed to foster emotional and sexual development in adolescents. The programme was carried out during the 2003-2004 academic year using 12-year-old students enrolled in their first year of compulsory secondary school education in Spain. The qualitative measures used consisted of a diary filled out after each session by the instructors, an analysis of the written work done in class by the students, and an open-ended questionnaire evaluating the students' satisfaction with the programme. The results obtained suggest that the implementation of "Agarimos" helped to increase students' knowledge in all the areas covered, but most notably in those related to body image, gender, emotions, relationships, and sexual behaviour. In addition, the participants showed substantial improvement in their treatment of gender and sexuality as observed by their more tolerant, flexible and respectful behaviour toward their classmates and their increased maturity and more comfortable handling of topics related to sexuality. The students considered the experience to be very positive and were especially satisfied with the methodology used and with the preparedness and teaching skills of the instructors.