This study aimed to assess the operational education received by pediatricians in a training course on Comprehensive Health Care for Adolescents. The course was held at the Department of Adolescent Medicine of UNIFESP and included 10% of the pediatricians working in the São Paulo municipal health system, with theoretical and practical activities, technical visits, intervention/case supervision, and support for updates in the most relevant health conditions in this age bracket. The pediatricians were tested before and after the course with multiple-choice questions and with a open-ended questionairy. Of the 120 pediatricians enrolled, 85 completed the course, 73 (85.8%) of whom were women. They had been working as pediatricians for an average of 18 years. Perceived themselves as more capable of providing better health care, working in multi-professional teams, developing educational activities, diagnosing diseases and risk situations, preventing diseases, discussing cases and strategies with other professionals, and multiplying knowledge. The results suggest that the training model is suitable for providing operational education to professionals already in the job market, althougn requires continuous acquisition of new knowledge and the refinement of previously acquired knowledge.