BACKGROUND: cerebral palsy and salivary alterations. Patients with cerebral palsy frequently suffer from several disorders in the Stomatognathic System, many of them being expressed as alterations in the salivary flow and composition. Variations in the concentration of salivary components are directly related to their buffering, antioxidant, immunological, digestive and lubricant capacity, and vary according to the velocity of salivary flow, which is deeply related to the efficiency mechanical and neural stimuli on salivary tracts. Alterations in the swallowing function, gustative perception, mineralization of teeth process, as well as salivary protection function against caries lesions, infection and inflammation, which are frequently found in patients with cerebral palsy, can be analyzed through salivary exams. PURPOSE: this study aimed to perform a literature review related to the main sialometric and sialochemical alterations observed in patients with cerebral palsy and their effects on oral health. CONCLUSION: sialometric and sialochemical analyses are an objective and practical indicator of disease and dysfunction process and offer extremely useful information on the diagnosis and treatment referral for these patients.