Se reporta un caso de rinitis purulenta aguda por Streptococcus pneumoniae en un paciente VIH/sida, atendido en el Servicio de Hospitalización del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí". Los hallazgos clínicos fueron fiebre, rinorrea purulenta severa, con toma del estado general. Se aisló Streptococcus pneumoniae por diagnóstico convencional y de avanzada. La prueba de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana resultó sensible a la cefaloridina, ampicilina, penicilina G y oxacilina. Recibió tratamiento con ampicilina 2 g diarios durante 10 d, el cuadro clínico mejoró con regresión total de los síntomas
This paper reports a case of acute purulent rhinitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in a HIV/AIDS patient seen at the Hospitalization Center of "Pedro Kourí" Tropical Medicine Institute. The clinical findings were fever, severe purulent rhinorrea and affected general condition. Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated with standard and advanced diagnosis techniques. Antimicrobial sensitivity test revealed that it was sensitive to cefaloridien, ampicillin, penicillin G and oxacillin. The patient was treated with a dose of 2 g of ampicillin daily for 10 days. The clinical picture of the patient improved and there was a total remission of the symptoms.