Aunque no existe una relación directa psoriasis-SIDA se ha notificado :manifestación impresionante de la psoriasis en el diagnóstico de SIDA, dificultad en la respuesta terapéutica, aumento de las formas graves de la enfermedad y aclaramiento de las lesiones en la fase terminal del SIDA. Se mostraron 2 casos donde se asocian las dos enfermedades. Ambos casos presentaron psoriasis guttata en brote, uno de ellos comenzó posterior al diagnóstico del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, que además presentó otras dermatosis como: leucoplasia, candidiasis ungueal y los 2 casos presentaron escabiosis. Se observó, además, una tendencia a la presentación de lesiones generalizadas y resistentes a las terapéuticas indicadas.
Even when there is not direct relation between psoriasis and AIDS, there have been reported impressive manifestations of psoriasis in AIDS diagnosis, difficulties in response to therapy, increase of serious forms of the disease, and clearing of lesions in terminal phase of AIDS. Two cases in which the two diseases are associated were presented. Both cases had outbreaking psoriasis guttata, one of them after being diagnosed with AIDS, in addition to have other dermatosis such as leukoplasia and ungual candidiasis; and the two patients also had scabies. Additionally, presentation of generalized lesions resistant to prescribed therapies was observed.