The objective of the present work was to determine whether the young cyclists follows the optimal fats and minerals intake, based on the recommended dietary guidelines. The appropriate intake of Fats, Fibre, and minerals (Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium) in their diets; may reduce the risk to develop hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, in the long term. The correct rehydration is essential in cycling during summer. Methods: Nutrients intake questionnaire of 7 consecutive days, applied to 34 young cyclists. The evaluation results are compared with the enKid study of Spanish young people. The diet has been evaluated at the beginning of the cyclist season. The cyclists belong to the cyclist club Enypesa Lambea ( Results: A percentage of cyclists in the present study, consum excessive quantities of cholesterol (94% of cyclists), saturated fats (74%), and Sodium (47%); while they do not consume the recommended quantities of unsaturated fats (100%); fibre (67%), Calcium (29%), Magnesium (10%) and potassium (44%). Similar pattern is found in the homologous Spanish young people of the enKID study. Conclusion: This work contributes to the knowledge of the diets followed by very active young people. Their diets show nutritional unbalances; therefore the need to educate the cyclists, their parents and coaches, to follow diets based on the Mediterranean diet; rich in vegetable, fruits, fish, nuts, and olive oil, in order to increase the intake of MUFA, PUFA and minerals, that will protect them against possible risk of Cardiovascular diseases.